Decades of Equestrian Experience
Leslie Kennedy
Mission Statement
“To help every horse and dog, one at a time, to have the best chance of being at his optimum of well being with a happy mind, free of physical tension and restriction.”
As an advocate for the horse it is my goal to show you the way to help your horse be happy, comfortable and as willing a partner as possible.
After a life long of experience in a broad spectrum of equine disciplines. eventually specializing in dressage, from the Grand Prix ring to FEI and Championship level officiating, Leslie’s has turned her passion for horses and dogs toward equine and canine therapeutic solutions, resulting in the development of Dynamic Bodywurks Canada.
Leslie is a professional certified equine and canine bodywork practitioner specializing in restoring whole body balance and muscle symmetry. She is passionate about relieving neurological and mobility dysfunctions in order to restore functional patterns of movement and stabilization in horses and dogs.
Leslie is highly effective in a broad spectrum of bodywork techniques and therefore very flexible and versatile in how she approaches her work. She easily adjusts her techniques to meet the needs of each individual horse or dog, and has a genuine interest in their development and well being.
Ever evolving scientific findings and therapeutic opportunities should be used to ensure optimal wellness in your horses and dogs. Consequently, Leslie feels it is crucial she continues to educate herself further as new techniques and modalities present themselves.
Certifications and Diplomas
International Diploma in Equine and Canine Osteopathy, Int’lDipAO
MastersonMethod® Certified Equine Practitioner/Instructor, MMCP
MastersonMethod® Canine Instructor
Animal Bowen Therapy, ABT
Board Certified Light Therapist in Equine, Canine, Humans, CLT-U
Cranial Sacral Therapy, CST
Permitted Equine Therapist (FEI), PET
Trigger Point Therapy, TPT
Leslie is an accomplished EC/USEF dressage judge, with the following credentials:
EC Senior Dressage Judge + Para Judge
USEF Senior Dressage Judge
EC Senior Dressage Steward
F.E.I 1* Dressage Steward
EC Para Steward
WSDAC Western Dressage Judge
As a Steward Leslie has officiated at the following prestigious competitions:
Caledon Equestrian Park CDI3* 2014
Pan American Games 2015
Caledon Equestrian Park CDI3* 2015
Cedar Valley CDI3* 2016
Bromont CDI 1* 2016
Cedar Valley CDI3* 2017
Cedar Valley CDI3* 2018 Caledon Dressage at Angelstone CDI2* 2022 Thunderbird Touch of Class Dressage CDI3* 2023
Bromont CDI3*2024
Leslie riding with Rien Van Der Schaft